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Ranjit Das
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M.S.A.V 12, Bengal Ambuja, City Centre Durgapur, Burdwan Pin - 713216, West Bengal
9647233314 | |
STAR MUILTITRADE COMPANY is one of the country’s reputed Reselling Home Applicance, Electrical & Eletronics Goods Company which sells world-class consumer products. If not completely satisfied with any products, the consumer can return it within 30 days for refunds. There is no Registration fee for the STAR MULTITRADE COMPANY business- - any adult can enrol as a STAR MULTITRADE COMPANY Indipendent Business Distributer (IBD) without any payement. Our STAR MULTITRADE COMPANY Marketing plan has been designed to be an equal business oppurtunity for all those who get associated with us. The Marketing Plan ensures that you earn in proportion to the efforts you put in and provides benefits such as Pair income,Repurchase income and Residual incom. These incoms are further enhanced by combining the group performances so that it is alwayes beneficials to creat more leaders in your group.

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